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F.A.Q. (Frequent questions)

WHAT IS AQUA FREE? The Aqua Free Water Purifier is a device to obtain water free of bacteria and viruses found in contaminated water from the municipal network, spring, well, or any rainwater collection system.

HOW IS IT USED AND WHERE IS IT RECOMMENDED? Aqua free is deposited in the water tank of your home or business, you simply let it float and in a period of 3 hours it eliminates viruses, bacteria and fungi present in the water. The system complies with National standards for human consumption, managing to eliminate 99.99999% of Total Coliform Bacteria responsible for various gastrointestinal diseases and 99.97748% of Aerobic Mesophilic Organisms.

HOW DOES AQUA FREE WORK? Aqua Free eliminates these microorganisms and biological agents through the reaction of silver ions integrated into ceramic spheres of controlled porosity, contained in a floating food grade plastic support. The oligodynamic capacity of silver allows ions to be released upon contact with water through a physical reaction called oxidation-reduction, breaking the cell wall of microorganisms and bacteria, achieving effective disinfection.

IS IT A FILTER? No, Aqua Free does not act as a filter since it does not contain or remove sediments, solids or grit.

DOES THE HARDNESS OF THE WATER CHANGE? No, Aqua Free does not make changes in the PH, hardness, color, smell or taste of the water. Its action is to eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungi from the water.

CAN I DRINK WATER TREATED WITH AQUA FREE? We do not recommend that the client drink water treated with aqua free, it is the responsibility of each client to consume it, however it is scientifically proven that it eliminates harmful bacteria that cause intestinal diseases for humans._22200000-0000-0000 -0000-000000000222_

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